The prominent hedgerow ash tree photographed in July 2023.

Here is the Ash tree eight years on from the 2016 photo and still looking good.
(Photo: 2024)

Picture of sign on site explaining the reason for the felling of the ash on Tennyson Down..
The ash tree is an important element of the landscape of the Isle of Wight. Ash is currently a commonly seen tree, widespread in woods and along roadside verges. It is perhaps more noticeable in the landscape as a single hedgerow or field tree. Nationally, Ash is an important timber tree with its hard wearing wood being used in furniture making, house interiors and wooden implements. Ash dieback is a highly destructive disease that has spread across Europe and which is now present in the UK. It is a disease that is sadly going to kill many of our trees and in turn this will have a significant impact on our Island landscape. My project here is to monitor a number of ash trees in the West Wight landscape, both as a record and also to see how they progress against the disease. The project is informal and non scientific.
The prominent hedgerow ash tree photographed in July 2023.
Here is the Ash tree eight years on from the 2016 photo and still looking good.
(Photo: 2024)
Picture of sign on site explaining the reason for the felling of the ash on Tennyson Down..